OAASIS is creating a safe, connected, supportive community for people who were sexually abused as children. We know that survivors of child sexual abuse, loved ones, and all members of the community have a role in protecting kids and helping survivors heal.
At OAASIS, we often talk about the people who brought warm light into our lives when the world seemed the darkest. Those friends, family members, teachers, coworkers, neighbors, and even pets who saw us with love and kindness. We honor these people (and animals) and their impact in our lives.
This page provides an opportunity to thank those who have seen us, believed in us, and loved us. Is there someone you’d like to thank for positively impacting your life? Please fill in this form to share your words of thanks. The information you provide helps us develop a deeper understanding of how people are supported on their healing journeys. We’ll be able to post some of the thank yous on our website and will ask for your permission if we’d like to post your words of thanks (which we are happy to post anonymously). Every statement we receive influences our work.
Thank you! We hope all of our words of gratitude seed more thanks for the people who bring light into our worlds.
OAASIS is making an impact not only in the State of Oregon, but nationally! We are honored to collaborate with a growing national movement to end child sex abuse, and are doing our part here in Oregon. We need YOUR help!
If you’d like to join this movement, please provide us with your contact information so that we can keep you informed about what is happening to end child sex abuse in Oregon. We may occasionally call upon you to lend your voice and support when needed. Please stand with us to support survivors and protect children!