Would you be able to answer the following question?
“Write every other word in this first line and print every third word in same line, (original type smaller and first line ended at comma) but capitalize the fifth word that you write.”
It’s a confusing question. And it had high stakes. This question was part of a test used to prevent countless people of color from voting in Louisiana, as recently as 1964. If you couldn’t answer this question (and 29 others) correctly in 10 minutes, you couldn’t vote.
Voter suppression efforts like these have been used because voting is a powerful way to stand up for what you believe. One of OAASIS’s beliefs is that we can change the culture around child sexual abuse by speaking truth to power. Voting is one important way of speaking this truth.
If you haven’t already voted, you can drop your ballot off at a dropbox before 8pm tomorrow. Let’s all make sure our voices are heard tomorrow through our votes. And then let’s work with our elected officials to continue to create the world we want to live in.